Friday, August 17, 2012


I have decided what I want my career to be.
Family Therapist.
It fits with all my requirements etc of psychology, social psychology, helping people, etc.
I can help people work together and become a better functioning family etc.
I looked up some of the requirements for becoming a family therapist today.
>10years of school/training etc.
Then I have to actually work.
I am honestly fine with this.
I like school and learning about stuff, and helping people always makes you feel good.

On a completely different note, I would like to discuss the #hashtag twitter movement... thing...
It is one of the greatest things to come into text based communication since the emoticon.
In my humble opinion anyway.
It is almost an evolution of the emoticon.
Let me explain. Please note that I use the word text to describe any kind of text communication.

Emoticons serve to set the mood of a certain text in order to let the other person better infer your tone and meaning. Without emoticons we would have to explain our feelings constantly, and who wants to do that.

#hashtags allow you to set the mood of a text in a similar way. They can set the subject or be a punchline etc. It allows you to say a word without it actually being taken in as you having said it. Almost like body language or the hidden language I talked about once before on this blog.

Finally, non-verbal communication in a text only message. Who would have thought we would ever be able to do that.
