Monday, May 7, 2012

And now for something completely different

Imagine your favorite library, but expanded.
It has every subject and all the information and entertainment you could ever ask for. period.
Therefore, it also has all the most horrifying and mentally scarring things you can think of. and more.

Would you still go there?
I think your answer would be yes, because you can just not go into the mentally scarring section of the library, right?

Now imagine that all the books talk to you, and you have to talk to them to get the information out of them that you want. They don't always want to give you that information, but after a little teasing and if you ask nicely, you can learn about anything.

Still good?

What if there was only one shelf of books? It holds all the knowledge, and all the horrors.
It's playful teasing after you ask for information becomes the most horrible things you've ever seen.
You get what you want but at a price, until you become used to or numb towards all the horrible things.

Is it worth it now? Some would say yes.
Some would say that becoming numb toward horrifying things is horrible by itself and makes it not worth it.

Who knows?

It's worth it for me.